Jeric Dy
Life is a Game
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Hello! If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know I went to Naga City for the annual PCSC conference. The conference was on March 4-5, we took the bus on March 3 7:30am...

After 8 LOOONG BORIIING hours of trip (with LOTS and LOTS of sleeping) we arrived at Naga City. While waiting for my friend Jay's overseer (? not sure if I used the right word; but she's the one who takes care of the house), we went to SM City Naga...

It was already late, so we ate dinner

After that, Jay's overseer(?) arrived and took us to Jay's (abandoned) home. Next day, March 4, we went to Ateneo De Naga for the conference...

And look! I found copies of the journal where our paper from last year's PCSC got in.

Bought two copies, one for me, one for Leif. After that, I listened to the talks... my mom got bored and played word search haha.

Next day, March 5, again, we went to Ateneo. This time, I'll be presenting at 3:00pm!


I listened to the talks, until 3:00pm...

I think I suck at presenting, but they say my presentation was clear, let's just hope so... Anyway, I received my certificate...

he conference ended at 5pm. We took a picture of all fellow La Sallians who attended the conference...

Next day, March 6, we're returning home to Manila. And yes, that means another EIGHT WHOLE HOURS OF DOING NOTHING BUT SLEEP.

I didn't get the chance to go wakeboarding, just had the chance to sleep a LOT! Besides Mastering Computer Science, I think I may have mastered the art of sleeping. I can now sleep whenever I wa... zzzz